Commercial voice over demo reel

About my commercial work
I've worked on countless radio and TV ads for brands and organisations across the UK and indeed, the world.
Household names like Global, Wickes, Epic Games (you must have heard of Fortnite!), Lego and Heart Radio have all booked me to read words they've written using my voice. The trick is to make it sound like their voice.
Why me?
Sense of humour
Ability to capture emotion
Have a listen and see what you think. There's a lot of different stuff in there... from conversational to quirky and from pathé all the way to something more heartfelt. BUT, if there's something else you need, let me know!
Examples of commercials
Serkova Vodka - TV commercial
This is one of the shortest but best projects I've been involved with. 3 words. THREE WORDS. That's one of the joys of voiceover - getting the message across in the time you have. Here, a 6 second TV ad.
Becoming a Domex Engineer - Web ad narration
A very nice little web ad for Domex engineering to appeal to the engineers of the future! All parties in this production are based in the SE of England, go go local collaboration!
Lego - TV promo
These two clips are for a TV promo sponsorship ad shown on Eurosport during Le Mans 2020. The brief was for a confident British male voiceover, to marry up with the power and precision of both Lego and the race.
Fí Clinica - Web ad
The client wanted a clear, crisp read to marry up with their clear, crisp video. They wanted to convey their clinic's philosophy of perfection through ballet, emotive music and good enunciation!