How to access voicemail from another phone
Updated: Jan 13
This is something that's come up a few times in the past week, during recording sessions for business telephone messages.
When the messages are destined for a telephone system where you can load in audio files, I record, edit and send the finished product off to the client. They send it on to their phone provider who puts it into the system for them.
But I'm yet to find a mobile phone provider who lets you email them WAVs or MP3s to install as a voicemail for you. I'm happy to be informed otherwise, of course.
So when a client requests the message is to be put on their mobile, I have to access their voicemail remotely.
I discovered that info on how to do it was pretty difficult to find. So when I did, I decided to put it in a blog. Not only to make it clear for users who may need to listen to their voicemail on another phone, but for my benefit, should the situation arise again in the future.

How to check your Vodafone voicemail from another phone
Call the number 07836 121 121.
When prompted, enter your telephone number.
Enter your Vodafone voicemail pin.
You should then hear voicemail options, as you would when you call from your mobile.
How to check your Three voicemail from another phone
Call the number 07782 333 123.
When prompted, enter your telephone number.
Enter your Three voicemail pin.
You should then hear voicemail options, as you would when you call from your mobile.
How to check your EE voicemail from another phone
Call the number 07953 222 222.
When prompted, enter your telephone number.
Enter your EE voicemail pin.
You should then hear voicemail options, as you would when you call from your mobile.
Please note these instructions are for the UK and I'm sure there's similar methods for other providers.
There you have it - how to listen to voicemail on a different phone.
If anyone's interested on how I got the recordings I was talking about onto my client's mobile voicemail...
...did I record them live into the phone? No.
I pre-recorded them, logged in as above via my computer using VoIP, found the "record new greeting" menu option, held my Beyerdynamic headphones up to my Sennheiser MK4 condenser microphone and pressed play on the pre-recorded message.
The result? A nice crisp voicemail on a mobile phone.
If you want to record your own voicemails and get a better quality sound, you could do a lot worse than use one of these very affordable little mics from Rode.
If you landed here because you're interested in my business voicemail service, then please do get in touch. I've recorded hundreds of telephone messages for companies all over world and would love to add yours to the list! Wondering why you should engage the services of a voice artist? Have a look at the Frequently Asked Questions page which should help! Need help with your business then checkout my post about the best business books to read.
Want to understand the power of voice over in video then head over to this blog post where I discuss examples in famous ads and in film but also show you what you need for a video. Or perhaps you are looking for a completely different service like a voiceover for your animation?