A personalised voicemail and email from Santa for your child.

We all know that Christmas is the most magical time of the year. But there's always room for a little bit of extra sparkle. Or elf dust...
Picture the look on your child's face when you say Father Christmas has sent them an email with a voicemail message for them. Then, picture their face when they hear it!
I worked closely with Rise Communications to come up with a script full of the joy of Christmas. You can have the Santa message personalised for your child/children with their name, their hobby, what they want for Christmas, where they live, what they call Father Christmas and what they call you, making it a uniquely personal experience. Have a read down below.
Of course you're going to want to hear what the Father Christmas voicemail sounds like. So... here it is...
Listen to the Santa voicemail.
What they said...
Brought the wonderful magic of Christmas to life for my children.
To see the joy on their faces was so special.
It's brilliant, can't recommend it enough!
They won't believe their ears!
Her face was magical!
The personalised Santa message.
This is <FATHER CHRISTMAS/SANTA/SANTA CLAUS> sending you a special message to wish you a very happy Christmas!
As you know, I’m always checking to see who has been naughty or nice and I’m so happy that you have been extremely good this year and are definitely on my nice list!
Keep that up <NAME/S> - me and my Elves are very proud of you.
I know you really like <HOBBY/HOBBIES> and it’s wonderful to hear that you love spending time doing something that is so much fun!
Your <MUM/MUMMY/DAD/DADDY/MUM AND DAD/MUMMY AND DADDY/OTHER RELATIVE OR GUARDIAN> has/have told me that what you would really like for Christmas is <GIFT> – what a great choice <NAME/S>!
My elves are working very hard to try and make this happen for such a special boy/girl.
I’m getting my sleigh ready, and the reindeer are very excited to help me make all my deliveries around the world, and especially to <TOWN>. But make sure you go to bed early on Christmas Eve, because I can only visit houses where the children are fast asleep.
Christmas is such an exciting time of year but remember to keep being kind and good for <MUM/MUMMY/DAD/DADDY/MUM AND DAD/MUMMY AND DADDY/OTHER RELATIVE OR GUARDIAN>.
Have a lovely Christmas, <NAME/S> and I hope all your dreams come true.
What you get.
You'll receive an email from Santa Claus (image below) for the attention of the child(ren), which includes...
An audio file containing the personalised voicemail from Father Christmas
- A personalised graphic wishing them a Merry Christmas
Full written version of the audio

If you'd like to get an email and voicemail from Santa, then here's the part where I ask for money!
For £50 you'll get a professionally recorded audio file, personalized for your child or children / dependants. Delivery will be made via email in MP3 format, or Whatsapp message if you prefer, so you can easily play it from your phone or computer. You can add your notes for the editable parts, such as what they want for Christmas, during the purchasing process. Or if you'd rather, give me a ring - 01322 930844!
It's a working email address so you can even return an email to Santa if you like!
Order your personalised message from Santa - only £50.