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Short Welcome Message


Everyone likes a polite greeting when they make a call. It's even more important when you are putting them into a phone system that might keep them waiting for a bit! 


Welcome Message Examples


There are many options that this welcome message can be used for. It can be used as a welcome message for customers, a welcome message for a new team member, or a welcome message for a new employee. 


"Thank you for Calling" Welcome Message


This message professionalises your business. Purchase individually for your immediate need, messages like : "thank you for calling. Please wait while we transfer you", "thank you for calling, please hold" and "thank you for calling. Please hold for an available representative". 


This is one business phone welcome message of four available in the shop to start your call off right!



If you like this style of message but have a requirement that could either work as part of this set then please contact me either through the chat option or complete a contact form.


Let me know if you'd like something more 'you' or read all about the answer phone message shop in our blog.


Welcome message 1

  • Thank you for calling.

Martin Whiskin voiceover artist talking into a Rode NT1-a microphone
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